
The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with

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What is recycled

Biffa is familiar with recyclables but understands that not everyone knows what can be recycled. Labels don't always provide all the information to consumers, making recycling a minefield with irreparable consequences. We've compiled a list of everyday items you may need to recycle and how to do it best. Aerosols You can recycle empty aerosol cans made of aluminum in your mixed recycling bins. The lids are often made of hard plastic and should be disposed of with the general waste. Full or partially-filled aerosol cans are hazardous and should be disposed of by a specialist. For more information, call...

increase if your customers and colleagues know what plastics are recyclable

Plastic is everywhere in the workplace, from office equipment to food packaging. Even if you manufacture or sell plastic products, it is essential to understand the different types of plastic. It's not a 'one size fits all' situation. But if you don't know what plastics are available, it can cause confusion about what can be recycled. This can lead to contamination, which will affect our ability to recycle the items placed in the bin. This handy guide explains the seven types of plastics, their most common uses, and whether or not they can be recycled. Share this guide with colleagues...

Pre-cycling requires a collaborative effort

We can recycle more if your colleagues and clients are able to recognize the common symbols for recycling. The confusion over symbols on packaging can cause contamination and lead to the waste of items that could be recycled into new products. It leads to the production of more virgin materials, which is harmful to the environment. will save you more if you share this information with those who can help. This guide explains the On-Pack Recyclable Labels (OPRLs) that you are likely to find on packaging in your business. Some labels have subtle differences. We fully support the UK government's commitment to...

What you need to Know about Recycling at the Birmingham

Biffa is proud to be the official waste management and recycling provider for Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. We'll be working behind the scenes with the Birmingham 2022 Team to make these the most sustainable Games yet. Birmingham will be expecting to receive more than one million visitors over the course of the Games. This is a million people enjoying themselves, eating and drinking in 15 venues throughout the West Midlands. That's five times as many people as attend Glastonbury. By encouraging athletes and spectators to recycle more and better, we are working towards the most sustainable Commonwealth Games ever.  ...

We all gain from knowing more about plastics

Plastic is everywhere in the workplace, from office equipment to food packaging. Even if you manufacture or sell plastic products, it is essential to understand the different types of plastic. It's not a 'one size fits all' situation. But if you don't know what plastics are available, it can cause confusion about what can be recycled. This can lead to contamination, which will affect our ability to recycle the items placed in the bin. This handy guide explains the seven types of plastics, their most common uses, and if they can be recycled. Share this guide with colleagues and customers...

Recycling requires a collaborative effort

We can recycle more if your colleagues and clients are able to recognize the common symbols for recycling. The confusion over symbols on packaging can cause contamination and lead to the waste of items that could be recycled into new products. It leads to the production of more virgin materials, which is harmful to the environment. will save you more if you share this information with those who can help. This guide explains the On-Pack Recyclable Labels (OPRLs) that you are likely to find on packaging in your business. Some labels have subtle differences. We fully support the UK government's commitment to...

What is Wishcycling

Recycling is just the start of the journey. Mixed recycling is sorted, then processed to create new valuable products. Wishcycling is a contamination that makes the process of recycling more difficult. We've all done it. We've all done it. Wishcycling is what it sounds like. Although our intentions may be good, the result is often negative. Wishcycling is a wasteful practice that can lead to contamination of other materials. Wishcycling can be divided into two types. First, we have non-target material. They are materials that can't be sorted or processed using mixed recycling. Materials currently not recycled, such as crisp...

What’s the buzz about Pyrolysis to recycle plastic

Many people have been talking about Pyrolysis as a solution to the plastics-recycling problem. Does this method offer the solution some experts claim it will? What's the big deal? There are problems with plastic recycling. You must first understand the problems that plastic recycling faces. The main problem is the need to sort and collect plastics. When districts switched to zero sorting, they left it to recycling facilities. Most people need to recycle correctly. Plastics can be accepted in different districts. One may get all plastics, while another only takes #1 and #2. Mixtures of plastics, such as #7, are...

It’s hard to recycle Halloween candy wrappers

On October 31, an estimated 600,000,000 pounds of Halloween candy were distributed. Each mini or full-size candies are individually wrapped in plastic. Add up all the small plastic wrappers, and you'll be surprised at how much they add up. The 600 million candy wrappers, the plastic bags in which they are packaged, and the bags in which some trick-or-treaters collect their candy add up. Imagine the 600,000,000+ bags of garbage in landfills and on city and country roads. The wind blows them into streams, which feed into rivers, and the ocean. Fish, turtles, and other aquatic animals eat them. They...

What you shouldn’t recycle

Americans generate about five pounds of garbage every day. In a year, Americans generated more than 292 million tons of waste, but only 94,000,000 tons were recycled or used for composting. Some of the destruction was burned to create energy, but 146 million tonnes ended up in landfills in America. Did you know that by recycling certain items, they can contaminate a batch of recyclables or take extra time to sort them out, which increases fees? Do you put these ten items in your curbside recycle bin without realizing they could ruin a whole load? Aerosol Cans Check the rules...