
The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with

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Household , Waste Reduction

The Buy Nothing Movement And How You Can Get Involved

The grassroots, volunteer-driven project has sparked a worldwide social movement with groups in 30 nations and around 150 active groups right here in Western Australia. HOW CAN I JOIN A BUY NOTHING GROUP? The only thing you need in order to join a Buy Nothing group is a Facebook account. The groups are hyper-local and you are only able to join a single group. The groups vary in size, depending on the number of participants, but in many instances they may just consist of people from a single suburb. The first thing you need to do is locate a group...

5 Ways To Become An Impact-owning Dog Owner

Make no bones about it, us Western Australians LOVE our four-legged friends, in fact, around 40% of households own at least one dog. These canine friends rely on us for plenty of things – walks, food, grooming – but have you ever stopped to think that they also need their owners to make good decisions when it comes to the environment too? SO WHERE DO YOU START? Embedding a few good practices in your daily approach to pet ownership can make a sizeable dent in the amount of waste your pet produces. The good news is we’ve got 5 easy...