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Waste Reduction

Waste Reduction

The waste reduction is likely to produce other outcomes, which could be equally significant. Employee productivity could rise due to the specific waste reduction strategy, and product quality could be affected by another factor. There are benefits, costs,, and restrictions particular to each site waste reduction that can only partially forecasted. The effectiveness of waste reduction is a part of the whole production system in which it is carried out. Waste reduction is vast and difficult to evaluate in depth. Some activities are often linked to technology evaluation, and cannot be easily carried out to reduce waste. These include:


Forecasting, estimating how much waste reduction is possible;


The government may oblige companies to meet an agreed-upon amount of waste reduction.

The amount of achievable waste reduction is contingent on how much time and effort is paid to the issue and the quantity of technology for reducing waste. Reducing waste starts with human elements and requires a thorough examination of possibilities.

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Solid Waste: Assessment, Monitoring and Remediation

Reducing waste is crucial to stop or slow the rising amount of waste produced per capita.

There are many aspects to reducing waste,, which should be taken care of. One is toxicity reduction, where the character of waste is altered by reducing the use of toxic substances in their products for consumers. Another option is volume reduction, making it easier to reduce the waste produced by using less material initially. Reducing waste also involves encouraging the creation of items that can be recycled much more quickly, like moving from multi-material to one-material packaging. Other alternatives to lessen waste are redesigning products, modifying the material used, and limiting certain products.

The strategy to reduce waste should be broad-based on actions that can be implemented by businesses as well as individuals, commercial companies, and government agencies. Industries can reduce waste by substituting raw materials and modifying the production of products and processes. Commercial enterprises, individuals, and other organizations can use their purchasing ability to generate demand for low-waste products or items made using recycled materials. The government should look into the use of economic and otherwise incentives to promote waste reduction. In addition, efforts to reduce waste must focus on consumer behavior. Information dissemination and education effectively trigger desired behavior and attitude shifts.

There are many instances of successful reductions in waste created through industrial processes. The experience has proven that changes in industrial revolution that decrease waste can also lead to lower energy, raw materials, and cost of disposal. The efficiency of the process is usually improved, and the liabilities associated with releasing hazardous substances are lessened.

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Pollution and Pollution Prevention

In Handbook of Pollution Prevention and Cleaner Production: Best Practices in the Agrochemical Industry, 2011

2.8 Pollution Prevention Opportunities

Emission reductions and waste reductions can be accomplished through pollutant prevention (P2) methods. This can be achieved by implementing the most efficient management practices and more sustainable production methods, including reducing materials inputs, re-engineering processes so that they reuse waste products, improving the management of operations, and reusing harmful chemicals for those that are more non-toxic. Certain smaller facilities can achieve the regulatory thresholds by reducing pollution release through several strict pollution prevention strategies.

The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 established a policy for the nation for managing waste by reducing the source. The purpose of this law is to prevent the production of garbage. This Pollution Prevention Act also established as a policy of the nation the hierarchy of waste management alternatives for situations in which reduction of the source is not feasible. In the order of waste management, when source reduction is not possible, the choice is to recycle waste, followed by energy recovery and disposal as the last option.

This section offers specific and general descriptions of the latest pollution prevention techniques implemented in the fertilizer, pesticide, and chemicals for the agriculture industry. Table 2.6 gives examples of successful P2 practices. They can serve as a source for generating ideas and adopting techniques.

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Jane S. King

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